KIM Siyeon

    © 2009-2023프로필 사진.jpg

    Curriculum Vitae


    · Post-diplome National School of Fine Arts, Paris, France
      프랑스 파리 국립고등미술학교
    · École nationale supérieure de la photographie d'Arles, France / National school of photography
      프랑스 아를 국립고등사진학교 전문사
    · Paris-Sorbonne University (also known as Paris IV), Philosophy, Paris, France
      프랑스 파리 소르본 4대학 철학전공
    · KAFA, Korean Academy of Film Arts

    Awards / Nominations

    · My Name Is O90 has been selected for the Venice Immersive section
      of the 80th Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica at La Biennale di Venezia, 2023

      제 80회 베니스 영화제, 이머시브 부문 경쟁작, 내 이름은 오구공

    · 제 16회 루이비통 세계젊은 작가상 수상, 피카소 그림에 반대한다, 파리, 프랑스, 2009 | [트렘블먼트]
    - 심사위원장 전 피카소 미술관장, 루이비통재단 큐레이터 안느 발드사리 -

      16th LVMH Young Artist Award, in honor of Picasso France, 2009
      [Tremblement], LVMH Grand Prix Young Talents 2009

      The jury for the 16th LVMH Young Artists’ Awards, headed by Anne Baldassari,
      Director and Curator of the Musée Picasso in Paris and Curator of the “Picasso and the Masters”
      exhibition at the Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais
      Jurors Anne Baledssari (chief curator of the Picasso Museum,
      Henry Cousseau(director of national School of Fine Art),
      Jean Claverie(LVMH, advisor to the president), Yvon Lambert(gallerist)

    · 제 40회 프리 아르스 일렉트로니카 영애상 수상, 린츠, 오스트리아 2019 | [도시리듬]

      The Winner of Prix Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria 2019
      [City Rhythm],the honorary mention at the 2019 Prix Ars Electronica

      The jury for the Prix Ars Electronica by Ina Conradi(US, Associate Professor at the Nanyang
      Thechnological University Singapore), Alex Verhaest(BE, Artist), Ferdi Alici(TR, Founder and
      Director of OUCHHH), Birgitta Hosea(SW/UK, Artist), Nobuaki Doi(JP, Director for NCAIAF)

    · [Tree Buried in the Name of Forest], The winner Best Experimental, Toronto International Women Film Festival, Canada, 2022

    · 제 1회 중앙미디어아트 최우수 작품상 수상, 서울, 한국, 2021 | [산책]

      [Promenade], won the Best Work Award, 1st JoongAng Media Art Contest Winner, Seoul, Korea, 2021

    · 제 24회 부산국제영화제 올해의 VR 영화상 수상, 부산, 한국, 2019 | [데칼코마니]

       24th Busan International Film Festival, Busan, Korea 2019
       [Décalcomanie], Grand-Prize winner VR Cinema in BIFF of the best works of the year

    · 제 4회 사티스 360 필름페스티발, 심사위원상 수상, 파리, 프랑스, 2019 | [데칼코마니]
      SATIS Screen4All 360 Film Festival, Paris, France, 2019
      [Décalcomanie], Mention spécial du jury

      The jury for SATIS Screen4All Film Festival headed by Gérard Krawczyk(director of French cinema)
      Urszula GLEISNER(Technicolor, UNESCO, Europe Créative, Hewlett-Packard, Vision Factory, Gleisner Consulting)
      Lidwine HO(a fiction and documentary sound editor), Oriane HURARD(producer), Stéphane   JUFFÉ(creative director)
      Mathieu MULLERMassimiliano MINISSALE, Yves NOUGARÈDE, Alexandre REGEFFE, Mauna TRAIKIA, Bertrand WOLFF

    · 몬트리올 국제 애니메이션 필름페스티벌, 심사위원상 수상, 몬트리올, 캐나다 | [로스트]
      2020 Montreal International Animation Film Festival, [Lost], Special Mention, Montral , Canada | [Lost]

    · 넥슨컴퓨터 박물관 V Reality Opencall 수상, 제주, 한국, 2020 | [언노운 월드]
      2021 winner Nexon Computer Museum OPEN CALL V Reality | [Unkown World]

    · 캐나다 국제단편영화제, 캐나다, 2019 | [얼론]
      Canadian & International Short Film Fest, Canada, 2019
     [Alone], Award winner of Canada Shorts, Mary Oland Theatre of the New Brunswick Museum, Canada

    ·로스앤젤레스 시네마토그라피 어워드, 최우수 작품상 수상, 로스앤젤레스, 미국, 2020 | [데칼코마니]
      [Décalcomanie], The Best Picture of Los Angeles Cinematography AWARDS 2020

    · 런던 인터내셔널 크리에이티브 경쟁 부분 수상. 런던. 2018 | [시티 리듬]
      [City Rhythm], The Winner of London International Creative Competition 2018

    ·대한항공 사진대상, 서울, 한국, 2000
      Grand Prize winnner of Korean Air photo Awards 2000 Grand Prize winnner of Korean Air photo Awards 2000

    Solo Exhibitions

    2023            [숲이라는 이름에 묻힌 나무], 초현실적 실감 몰입형 설치, 한화, 아쿠아플라넷 제주, 한국
                        [Tree Buried in the Name of Forest], Immersive Audiovisual Installation, Aqua Planet Jeju, Korea    

    2021            [공(空)의 매혹 : 고독과 고립의 연대] 展, 제주현대미술관, 한국
                        [Fascination of emptiness : Correlationship between isolation and solitude],
                        Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jejudo, Korea (March 23th. 2021 - June 27th. 2021)

    2021           [산책], 미디어파사드, 코엑스미디어타워, 파르나스미디어타워, WTC 월드트레이드타워 서울, 한국
                        [Promenade], - 1st JoongAng Media Art Contest Winner, Seoul, Korea
                        Parnas Media Tower, COEX Media Tower, WTC Seoul Trade Tower Media Board, Incheon
                        Airport Amazing Square, Signature Dosan, Signature Seongsu
                        (November 1st -November 7th 2020)

    2021           [숲이라는 이름에 묻힌 나무], 초현실적 실감 몰입형 설치, 문화예술공공수장고, 제주현대미술관 한국
                        [Tree Buried in the Name of Forest], Immersive Audiovisual Installation,
                        Public Storage for Artworks, Jejudo, Korea       
                        (June 29th 2021 - September 26th 2021)

    2020           [롤러컨베이어], 도시 프로젝트, 비디오, 인터렉티브 사운드 설치, Ai 데이터 마이닝, 소리갤러리,
                        서울문화재단 지원작품, 서울, 한국
                        [Roller Conveyer], SORI Gallery, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culutre, Seoul, Korea
                        ( October.5th 2020-December 5th 2021)

    2020           [언노운 월드], VR 6Dof, 24채널 사운드 인스톨레이션, 온한류프로젝트-코리아임팩트, 한국콘텐츠진흥원,
                        문화체육관광부 주최, 인사아트갤러리, 서울, 한국
                        [Unknown World] , VR 6Dof, 24ch Sound Installation, ON:Hallyu Festival, Corea Impact, K’occa, Insaart
                        gallery, Seoul, Korea
                        (November 16th -November .23rd 2020)

    2020           [언어의 생산, 사건이 되다]. 실시간 AI 데이터 텍스트마이닝, 미디어 전시, 인사아트갤러리, 서울, 한국
                        [Production of language: Events Creation], AI Data Text Mining, Interactive sound installation, Insaart
                        gallery, Seoul, Korea
                        (December 30th 2020 - January 4rd 2021)

    2019           [무경계 : 여기 그리고 어디라도], 융복합 공연, 국립국악원 우면당, 서울, 한국
                        [No Boundary : Here and anywhere], Performance, National Gugak Center, Umyeon-dang, Seoul, Korea

    2018           [색환각] 색에 반응하는 소리 소리로 읽는 색채 展, 자바스크립과 파이선을 이용한 코딩, 인터렉티브
                        사운드설치, 버츄얼라이브러리, 한국콘텐츠진흥원, 서울, 한국
                        [The INVISIBLE : Chromesthesia], Media Art sound installation, Virtual Library, Korea
                        Creative Content Agency, Seoul, Korea
                        (November 28th - 30th 2018)   

    2018           [무경계 : 여기 그리고 어디라도], 융복합 퍼포먼스, 스테이지 66, 콘텐츠진흥원, 서울
                        [No Boundary : Here and anywhere], Performance and Projection mapping, Multi TestBed, Stage66, Korea
                        (December 12th - December 13th 2018)

    2017           [현대인의 냉장고], 믹스미디어 아트, 콘텐츠문화광장, 멀티테스트베드, 서울, 한국
                        [NEO Contemporary Refrigerator], Installation and Mixed media art, Multi TestBed, Korea
                        (December 12th - December 13th 2018)

    2011           [인형의 집으로 오세요], 비디오 설치, 발레이문화센터, 카스트리옹, 스페인
                        [Welcome to the Doll House], Video Installation, Valey Art & Cultural Center, Castrillón, Spain
                        (October 5th - October 28th 2011)

    2011           [히말라야 바람을 닮다 바람을 담다] 展, 네모갤러리, 서울, 한국
                        [Like the wind, Embraces the wind], Photography, Nemo gallery, Seoul, Korea
                        (November 19th - December 2nd 2011)
    2011           [히말라야 바람을 닮다, 바람을 담다], 레드카펫을 밟다 展, 소울아트스페이스, 부산, 한국
                        [Like the wind, Embraces the wind], Photography, Soul Art Space, Pusan, Korea

    2010           [히말라야, 바람이 머무는 곳] 展, 주한 프랑스문화원, 서울, 한국
                        [Himalayas, where the wind stays], Photography, Centre Culturel Français, Seoul, Korea.
                        (June 6th - June 30th 2010)

    2009           [트렘블먼트],[존재, 여자라는], 사진+비디오 설치, 갤러리 퐁네프, 파리, 프랑스
                        [Trembelemnt] [Being Women], Photography and 3 channel video installation, Galerie Pont-Neuf, Paris, France

    2009           [트렘블먼트],[존재, 여자라는], 사진+비디오 설치, 갤러리 아레나, 아를, 프랑스
                        [Trembelemnt] [Being Women], Photography and 3 channel video installation, Galerie Arena, Arles, France

    Selected Group Exhibitions / Screening

    2024           [Tree Buried in the Name of Forest], projection onto an extra-large screen on the altar
                       in the Chapelle des Carmélites, France
    2024           [Tree Buried in the Name of Forest], at les Abattoirs Museums, Toulouse, France

    2023           My Name Is O90, Official Seclection, Venice International Film Festival, Venice Immersive
                       between August 31 and September 9 2023
    2023           Their own ways, 36', DMZ international documantray film festival offical selection 
                       각자의 방식, DMZ 국제다큐멘터리 페스티벌 경쟁작
                       between September 14 and September 21 2023
    2023           [숲이라는 이름에 묻힌 나무], 실감형 미디어전시, 제주현대미술관 한국
                       신소장품전 《그리고 우리는 거의 잃어버렸다》 2023.6.1- 2023.10.15
                       [Tree Buried in the Name of Forest], Immersive Audiovisual Installation,
                       Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jejudo, Korea    

    2022          [Tree Buried in the Name of Forest], The winner Best Experimental,
                      Toronto International Women Film Festival, Canada

    2022          [Tree Buried in the Name of Forest], Official Seclection,
                      Montreal Independent Film Festival, Canada

    2022          [Tree Buried in the Name of Forest], Official Seclection, 22nd Seoul International ALT
                        Cinema & Media Festival, Seoul, Korea, 2022

    2022           [그리고 사라지듯이], 기꺼이 가까이 展, 비디오 사운드 설치, 제주현대미술관, 제주, 한국
                      [Ascension], Closely Closely, Jeju Contemporary Art Museum
                       (November 12th - February 20th 2022)

    2021           [도시의 욕망 : 삶, 아파트-도시 사유를 위한 시각적 메타포], 뉴미디어 설치,
                        이미지의 문장들 展, 창원시립마산문신미술관 제2전시관, 창원, 한국
                        [Urban Desire: Life - the Visual Metaphor for Observing the City], Sentences of Images,
                        ChangWon City Museum MoonShin Art Museum, Exhibition Hall 2, ChangWon, Korea
                        (October 19th - December 30th 2021)

    2021           [그리고 사라지듯이], [말과 나무:흔들리는, 흔들리지 않는], 비디오 설치 + 사진, 제주도립미술관
                        [Ascension], [Horse and Tree, Unswayed], Video Installation+Photography, Jeju Museum Of Art, Jejudo, Korea
                        (October 12th, 2021 ~ October 31st, 2021)

    2021           [그리고 사라지듯이], [사라진 시간], 비디오 설치 + 사진, 제주돌문화공원 오백장군 갤러
                        [Ascension], [Lost], Video Installation, Photography, Jeju Stone Park, Jejudo, Korea
                        (September 29th, 2021 - October 3rd 2021)

    2021           [City Rhythm], 25th INDIEFORUM, Independent Film, Seoul, Korea                
                        Sun October 3rd, 2021, Megabox Sungsu
                        (Pm 2h40)September 29th 2021 ~ Sun October 3rd, 2021

    2021           [Their own ways, 각자의 방식], 21th Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival,
                       Seoul, Korea (Asia/New Cinema)
                        (August 19th, 2021 -August 27th 2021 at Lotte Cinema(Hongdae)

    2021           [Drive], 21th Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival, Seoul, Korea                                  
                        August 19th 2021 - August 27 th 2021 at Lotte Cinema(Hongdae)2021           
                        [City Rhythm], Indie Forum, Megabox Seongsu, Seoul, Korea                
                        (September 30th 2021- Monday, October 3rd, 2021)    

    2020           [무경계 : 여기 그리고 어디라도], 제 23회 트라베르스_범위밖, 프레임밖 누가 보는가?
                        국제전. 아바트와 미술관. 툴루즈, 프랑스
                        [No Boundary], The 23rd Rencontres Internationales Traverse, at the Abattoirs Museum -
                        FRAC Occitannie, Toulouse, France ( March 15th, 2020)
                        Hors champ, Hors Cadre qui regarde?_Out of scope, Out of frame who watches?

    2020           [언노운 월드], VR 6Dof, 24채널 사운드 인스톨레이션,
                         온한류프로젝트-코리아임팩트, 한국콘텐츠진흥원,
                         버츄얼 라이브러리, 서울, 한국
                         [Unknown World] , VR 6Dof, 24ch Sound Installation,
                         Contents Impact X, K’occa, Virtual Library Seoul, Korea
                         (November 16th -November .23rd 2020)

    2020           몬트리올 국제 애니메이션 필름페스티벌, 심사위원상 수상, 몬트리올, 캐나다 | [로스트]
                         [Lost], Montreal International Animation Film Festival, Special Mention, Montral , Canada

    2020           [데칼코마니], VR 경쟁 선정작, 제 8회 커런트3D 이멀시브 축제, 앙굴렘, 프랑스
                         [Décalcomanie], Selection of the 8th edition of Courant3D/Immersity festival, Angoulême, France
                         (September 29th - 3rd October 2020)

    2020           [얼론] 키이프 국제 단편 영화제 선정작 ,키이프, 우크라이나
                         [Alone],Selection of the 9th Kyiv International Short Film Festival, Kyiv, Ukraine
                         (August 5th-9th, 2020)

    2020           [로스트] 제 20회 서울 국제 뉴미디어 축제 경쟁, 서울
                         [Lost], Selection of the 20th Seoul International New Media Festival

    2020           [시티리듬], 스크리닝, ABC 시네마. 툴루즈, 프랑스
                         [City Rhythm], Screened at the ABC cinema, Toulouse, France                   

    2020           [데칼코마니] K-버츄얼 리얼리티 실감 상영작, 플로렌스, 이탈리아
                         [Décalcomanie], K-Virtual Reality Experience, Florence in Tuscany Region, Italy

    2020           [얼론], 캐나다 국제 단편 영화제, 경쟁작, 뉴브런즈윅뮤지엄. 캐나다
                         [Alone], Selection of Canada Shorts - Canadian & International Short Film Fest,
                         New Brunswick Museum, Canada

    2020            [데칼코마니], 부산국제영화제 VR부문 경쟁작. 부산,
                         [Décalcomanie], SATIS Screen4All 360 Film Festival, Paris, France,                     
                         (November 5th-6th 2020)

    2020            [데칼코마니], 사티스 스크린4올 360 영화제 심사위원상 수상작, 파리, 프랑스
                         [Décalcomanie], SATIS Screen4All 360 Film Festival, Paris, France
                         (November 5th-6th 2020)

    2020           [도시리듬], South by Southwest,한국관 소개 작품, 텍사스 오스틴, 미국
                         [City Rhythm], SXSW(South by Southwest), Austin, Texas, United States
                         (March 3rd - 5th 2020)

    2020           [LOST], 18th Florence Korea Film Fest (FKFF 2020)
                         the film “Flowerpot” to festival in
                         Short Film Section, Florence in Tuscany Region, Firenze, Italy   
                         (September 23rd -September 30th 2020)

    2019           [도시리듬], 전시, OÖ 컬처 카르티에, 린츠, 오스트리아
                         [City Rhythm], OÖ Kulturquatier, Linz, Austria
                         (September 5th - 9th 2019)

    2019           [도시리듬], 특별상영, 소머키노, 린츠, 오스트리아
                         [City Rhythm], Special screening, Sommerkino, Linz, Austria
                         (September 5th - 9th 2019)

    2019           [도시리듬], 특별상영, 무비멘토, 린츠, 오스트리아
                         [City Rhythm], Special screening, Sommerkino, Linz, Austria
                         (September 5th - 9th 2019)

    2019           [얼론], IA 경쟁작, 제7회 커런트 3D/이머시티 축제, 앙굴렘, 프랑스
                         [Alone], Intelligence Artificielle Competition,
                         The 7th edition of Courant3D/Immersity festival,
                         Angoulême, France (October 8 - 12th 2019)

    2019           [도시의 욕망, 삶: 아파트] 제 19회 서울 국제 미디어페스티벌 경쟁상영작
                         [Urban Desire, a space of life Apartement – the Visual Meraphor for Observing the City]
                         Selection of the 19th Seoul International New Media Festival 

    2019           [로스트], 서울국제단편영화제 경쟁작 , 서울, 한국
                         [Lost], Selection of SEOUL INTERNATIONALSHORT FILM FESTIVAL, Seoul, Korea

    2014           [파장,진동], 르 드레싱/ 라뉘블랑쉬 초대전, 파리 프랑스
                         [Tremblements], Free'P'Star/Le Dressing(la nuit Blanche), Paris (October 2014)

    2012           [현대인의 냉장고], 비디오+사운드 설치, 트라베르스 비디오, 툴루즈, 프랑스
                         [Contemporary Refrigerator], Video, Sound Installation, Traverse Video, Toulouse, France

    2012           [현대인의 냉장고], 비디오+사운드 설치, 소시에테드 큐리오지테, 파리
                         [Contemporary Refrigerator], Video and sound project, société de curisités , Paris, France

    2011           [메멘토모리] 고잉언더그라운드 베를린 국제 단편영화제 선정, 베를린
                         [Memento Mori], Selection of Going Underground –
                         International Short Movie Festival in Berlin

    2011           [현대인의 냉장고], [트렘블먼트], 아르코 아트센터, 서울, 한국
                         [Contmeporary Refrigerator], [Tremblements]
                         Arco Art Center, Media ARCHIVE, Seoul Korea

    2011           [타인의 고통] 서울실험영화 비디오페스티벌 선정, 서울
                         [Pain of Others], Selection of EXiS, Experimental Film and Video Festival in Seoul, Korea

    2011           [현대인의 냉장고], 비디오+사운드 설치,디지털아트 페스티벌, 소피아, 불가리아
                         [Contemporary Refrigerator], DA FEST, Digital Art Festival, Sopia

    2010           [Terra], International Art exhibition Nord Art,
                         Geschäftsführer und Kurator der NordArt, Germany

    2010           [Etre les femmes], Association Pont-Neuf, Paris, France

    2010           [Terra], [Tremblemnt], Traverse Video, Toulouse, France

    2009           [Tremblemnt], Musée Picasso in Paris and Curator of the “Picasso and the Masters”     
                         exhibition at the Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais


    2023           My Name Is O90 / director & scenario   
    2023         Their own ways, 36', DMZ international documantray film festival offical selection         
    2022           Elephant / director & scenario
    2019           Urban desires, Life, Apartment / director & scenario
    2018           No Boundary | 無經界 | Here and Anywhere / director & music, sound
    2018           The rhythm of the matrix (data visualization) / director & Composer
    2017           Closer to you / director & scenario
    2017           One Day / director & scenario
    2015           A Quiet Life / director & scenario
    2011           Pain of Others / director & scenario
    2010           Le coeur qu’elle achete /director & scenario

    XR Film

    2023           My Name Is O90 / director & scenario, Produce (Studio Martap + Korean Academy of Film Arts)
    2021           Unknown world / director & scenario (ARTLab + Korea Creative Content Agency)
    2019           Decalcomanie / director & scenario, Produce (with Korean Academy of Film Arts)
    2018           LOST / director & scenario, Produce (with Korea Creative Content Agency)
    2018           Sous l'eau / director & scenario (with Korean Academy of Film KArts)
    2018           My day / director & scenario Produce (with Korean Academy of Film Arts)
    2018           Urban desires, Life, Apartment / director & scenario, Produce (ARTLab)
    2017           Things to Disappear, Haenyeo / director & scenario, Produce (ARTLab)

    Publish a book

    2021           [공의 매혹 : 고독과 고립의 연대], 제주현대미술관, 제주, 한국
                        Fascination of emptiness : Correlationship between isolation and solitude
                       by Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art , Korea
                        (ISBN 79-6500398-000110-01)a

    2020           [롤러컨베이어], 서울문화재단, 서울, 한국
                        Roller Conveyer by Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Seoul, Korea
                        (ISBN 979-11-972103-0-3),

    2011           [히말라야, 바람을 닮다 바람을 담다], 서해문집, 서울, 한국
                        Like the wind, Embraces the wind by timestory group, Seoul, Korea
                        (ISBN 978-89-7483-454-8 03660)

    Selected Museum Collections

    · 제주현대미술관 소장, 제주, 한국, 2021 | [각자의 방식], [드라이브]
    Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea, 2023 | [Drive]

    · 제주도립미술관 소장, 제주, 한국, 2022 | [숲이라는 이름에 묻힌 나무]
    Jeju Museum Of Art, Korea, 2022 | [Tree Buried in the Name of Forest]

    · 제주현대미술관 소장, 제주, 한국, 2021 | [그리고 사라지듯이]
    Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea, 2021 | [Ascension]

    · 아르스 일렉트로니카 센터 소장, 린츠, 오스트리아 | [도시리듬]
    Ars Electronica Center,Linz, Austria, 2019 | [City Rhythm]

    · 국립현대미술관 소장 (미술은행) 2019 | [도시의 욕망, 아파트 - 도시 관찰의 시각적 은유]
    National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Krorea, 2019 | [Urban Desire: Life - the Visual Metaphor
    for Observing the City]

    · 국립현대미술관 소장 (미술은행) 2015 | [겨울]
    National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea 2015 | [L’hiver]

    · 아르코아트센터 소장, 미디어 아카이브, 서울, 한국, 2011 | [파장,진동]
    Arco Art Center, Media ARCHIVE, Korea, 2011 | [Tremblements]

    · 발레이문화센터 소장, 카스트리옹, 스페인, 2010 | [인형의 집]
    Valey Cultural Center, Castrillón, Spain, 2010 | [Doll House]

    · 루이비통 재단, 파리, 프랑스 2009 | [트렘블먼트]
    Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France, 2009 | [Tremblements]